You most of all…


The reading of the will gave Julian the final confirmation that his mother had hated him. His sister got the house and his brother inherited the business ‘…and to you, my first-born, I bequeath the shoes I was wearing when I met your father, my favourite tan satchel and two volumes on Mesopotamian art.’

He was incensed.

‘I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, she knew how much I hated that satchel, and what am I supposed to do with high heels?’

His siblings presented an alternative view. ‘Have you any idea how important these items were to her? She cherished them above all other possessions.’

Many embittered years later Julian rediscovered the items in his vast attic whilst searching for something of greater worth. A slip of paper slid from the between the two volumes.

‘My darling. Not everything can be expressed in monetary terms. I poured my love into these trinkets, just like I poured my love into you… ‘


Written for: Friday Fictioneers


Filed under Flash fiction, short story

23 responses to “You most of all…

  1. Sweet, just goes to show you how different people’s treasured possessions are

  2. But they’re still just shoes! (Sorry, couldn’t help myself.) On a more meditative note…the first-born is often the love child, isn’t he?

    Well-written, as usual.

  3. A lovely story with a message.

  4. Sometimes–all right, many times–people love, but don’t know how to do it well. It is clear that she adored her son, but didn’t know him at all.

  5. Sweet, but I think I’d still have liked a little spending money too 🙂
    It’s a shame he went so many years before he found the note, not realising how she felt about him.

  6. gahlearner

    Ah, the injustice of it all… Does he value her love enough to be happy now or would he rather have had a part of the business or the house? Hm…

  7. Being an old romantic, I loved this one😉

  8. When I read, “…..two volumes on Mesopotamian art”, I thought it’s going to funny. But the last line touched my heart. Just amazing!

  9. Somehow I knew SOMETHING had to fall out of one of those books!!!!

  10. You did an excellent job of surprising me, though. I’d expected money or …. not a letter full of love. Kudos!

  11. I’m with Alicia – I thought there was going to be a message about a safety depsoit box or something. LOL Well, it is your story. I liked it very much. It
    shows the horror of inheritance. The person in control is dead and we’re left witht the feelings of GRrrrrr … and can’t express it. So many families have this going on. I say spend it all and leave nothing. This is quite an emotionally cahrging story. Have a good weekend …
    Isadora 😎

  12. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover

    I agree I thought there was something hidden in the books like keys to safety deposit box or info on a Swiss bank account. I like your touching ending more my thoughts.

  13. Nicely and sensitively conveyed. She gave what she valued most to her most valued

  14. Aw! Such a heartwarming tale. Loved this take on the FF prompt!

  15. Sarah Ann

    Beautifully told. Let’s hope too much bitterness hadn’t grown in Julian for him to reject his mother’s gift when he finally found it.

  16. Fragments of Fiction

    This was beautiful. I hope Julian learned to see the real value in these gifts.

    I just wanted to stop by and let you know I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award because I think the flash fiction and writing you post here is really great. If you want to participate the rules are here: No pressure if you don’t want to, just wanted to let you know I like your work 🙂

  17. Ah, but he hasn’t looked in the satchel yet! Look in the satchel………..LOOK IN THAT DAMNED SATCHEL!

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